toddler activities

toddler activities

Toddler Milestones 30 Months

So what are the big toddler milestones 30 months to look out for ?

Should I be concerned if my toddler has not reached some of the milestones yet ?

You can find the answer to these and many other questions right here!

Toddler language development is starting to develop far more at 30 months. They will regularly be using two words and sometimes saying complete sentences.

They are still wanting to be independant and your toddler behavior will be impulsive. They see something and want it right then and won't wait. This takes some good parenting skills to manage.

Constant supervision is essential for safety at this age. For instance in a kitchen they will move a chair to climb up on a worktop to get something they have seen. So the thing they are after could be harmful or they may simply fall.

It's at this age that children will start to play more with other children as well as along side them. They are playing outdoors more riding on trikes and playing on slides, swings and climbing frames. Also playing pretend games with small world toys such as farm animals and dolls houses with characters.

At this age some are ready to move from their toddler potty to toddler toilet training. If your toddler is ready and you are consistent and patient. Then they can be out od diapers and using a toilet in a matter of days.

Children of this age still love lots of kisses, cuddles and lots of close time with their parents and other close relatives. They just love to be helping with little jobs at home or on shopping trips. At this age leaving your little one with a stranger such as a new babysitter is a no no. They don't like to be seperated from their parents and will become upset very easily.

Quick list of things you might see at toddler milestones 30 months

  • Jumps with feet together usually
  • Will build towers with small blocks
  • Runs straight and uses climbing equipment with ease
  • Is now using a lot more words
  • Now knows thier name
  • Starting to use a fork with meals
  • Enjoys stories and picture books
  • Pretend play with dolls, teddy bears and other toys
  • Playing alongside other children but not with them
  • Using two words together now rather than just one
  • Having temper tantrums if tired or frustrated
  • Enjoying looking at picture books and turning the pages themselves

  • Quick list of things a child requires at the toddler milestones 30 month

  • To be watched over closely
  • The right safety equipment such as stair gates, electric socket covers
  • The right diet to allow everything a growing child needs
  • Help with moving from using a potty to the tiolet
  • Opportunity to mix and start to learn how to play with other children
  • A good mix of play materials such as sand, water and playdough. Learning about textures
  • If in daycare then keep with regular place and people to make them feel settled
  • Outdoor play with for instance small buckets and water learning to pour from one to another
  • A good range of toys to play with and develop. Playdough, sand, dried pasta and some paints (not all at the same time)

  • Parents to play simple games with their children such as "this little piggy went to market"
  • As above lots of nursery rhymes, songs and picture books

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