toddler activities

toddler activities

Toddler Milestones 12 Months

So what are the big toddler milestones 12 months to look out for ?

Should I be concerned if my toddler has not reached some of the milestones yet ?

You can find the answer to these and many other questions right here!

At the toddler milestones 12 months some toddlers are starting to get mobile as in walking the furniture. Being watched over constantly is an absolute must.

At this age they are curious about everything they can see. So move dangeruos and breakable items higher up. So be warned take your eye of them for a few seconds and they will go and get what they have seen. Next thing it will either be broken or worse you little one hurt.

They are now learning to hold and grasp things around them like their toys and other things within their reach. They can start to manage to put things into play buckets and boxes, then tipping them out again.

This is the time when hats and socks are repeatedly being pulled off and dropped. I remeber following a car not long ago and seeing items being thrown out the rear window.

When I stopped behind the car at the traffic lights I got out and went over to see what was happening. The culprit was a child about 1 year old strapped in a child safety seat dropping her moms shopping out the open window. The mom was completely unaware until I knocked on her drivers window.

The moral off the story is don't have the window down and don't leave your shopping bag within reach.

At 30 months old they don't like being left with strangers and will be very upset. They understand who their family is by now and smile when they come into the room.

They are also starting to understand some things that are being said to them. Also what is happening in the house around them.

Baby talk has developed at this age and you can hear them muttering away to themselves. Their first words are are not far away, (pocket money mommy) they grow up so quickly so enjoy.

Quick list of things you might see at toddler milstones 12 months

  • Will sit unaided on the floor. Walk unaided for a short while. Walking the furniture
  • Will know thier name and turn when they hear it
  • Drinks from a cup
  • Passing toys to adults
  • Waving bye bye
  • pointing at things they see and want
  • Baby talk
  • Picking things up
  • Repeatedly pulling socks off as a game
  • Starting to understand whats going on mealtimes, bathtimes
  • Trying to feed themselves (wearing spagetti hoops)

  • Quick list of things a child requires at the toddler milestones 12 month

  • Will need to be watched over all the time. At this age they can crawl and walk the furnture.
  • Lots of hugs and talking to them while smiling.
  • Playing games like "incy wincy spider" and other nursery rhymes.
  • Toddler toys small balls blocks and things with buttons to push and things to pull. Especially toys that make noise.
  • regular playtime with mom and dad.
  • The right kind of food and drinks rich in nutrients such as formula milk.
  • They will want to try and feed themselves sometimes, so let them.
  • Lots of personal attention such as bathing, skin lotions and diaper changes.
  • Rearranging the furniture to create a toddler safe home. Now they are mobile they can hurt themselves on everyday things in the home.
  • If you have to work and need childcare then keep with the same nanny or nursery nurse. Inconsistency at this age will upset them greatly.

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