toddler activities

toddler activities

Musical games for kids
that are great for kids indoor party games

This is one of the BEST musical games for kids. This is for when you need toddler games for a bunch of little ones, such as when your looking for kids indoor party games. This is one of those games for toddlers that get them all exicited and noisey.

Even those not playing get excited and that includes the grownups :-)

So what is this toddler game... it's "Musical Cushions" and this is how you play it.

musical games for kids

First you need to clear the middle of the room, then collect a cushion for each toddler playing the game. The cushions are then placed in a circle on the floor in the middle of your room.

You then start the toddler music and the toddlers skip or dance around the outside of the cushion circle. Play the music for a minute or two then stop the music without warning. Then the toddlers have to find the nearest cushion and sit down on it as quickly as possible.

Repeat this twice for the toddlers to get the hang of the game and know to race for a cushion as soon as the music stops. Then after playing the musin twice, but before you start the music again remove a cushion from the circle. Then restart trhe music and play for another minute or two.

This time when you stop the music the toddlers again have to race to sit on the nearest cushion.

Oh dear not enough cushions for every toddler this time.

You can have only one toddler sat on each cushion. So the toddler that does not get a cushion has to leave the game and sits out to the side and watches the game continue.

They will be dissapointed but will soon get excited watching the game carry on.

Next you guessed it before you start the toddler music for the fourth time remove one more cushion. Then restart the music again for a minute or two. Keep repeating this process until there are only two toddlers and only one cushion left.

The winner of the game is the toddler to sit on the last cushion when the music stops.

This is one of those easy musical games for kids that really work well as toddler party games. Also the best bit it's one of those rare free toddler games that kids of all ages just love to play. So play this musical game for kids soon and let me know how it goes.

"Let's Pretend"

This is a little toddler game for when you have a few little ones to entertain. Also really good kids birthday party game that will catch their imagination and keep them excited.

So what is it I hear you say....well its a musical game for kids where the kids have to pretend to be an animal.

You decide what the animal is to be. To start you set the music playing and the kids have to dance around. Then you stop the music and say "be a cat", then start the music again for a short while while they dance around again.

Then stop the music suddenly again and say "be a rabbit". Now the idea is for you to pick the least rabbit or cat like and get them to leave the game and sit out and watch as it continues.

The picked one will be dissapointed, but will soon get excited watching the others carry on. Laughing at their friends pretending to be an animal of some sort.

Then keep repeating this until you only have one toddler left. This child is the winner and the best animal inpersonator.

It's another of those really great musical games for kids that gets them thinking about what different animals look like and how they behave. So a good toddler learning activity as well as a free and fun toddler game.


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